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Teachers are very important in our lives, but they are not perfect. Though most teachers work at their profession with passion and enthusiasm, there is still the occasional teacher who does not always provide great learning opportunities for students. A recent study conducted by University of California at Los Angeles found that less than 10% of the surveyed teachers had plans for how they would improve their teaching techniques in the upcoming school year. This is symptomatic of a larger problem in education, which is that many educators do not take ownership over how they teach. Their lack of involvement leads to students being left behind when it comes time to pass preventative measures or make corrections when negative patterns emerge within classrooms. One serious drawback of this lack of responsibility is that it leaves students ill-equipped to deal with future situations in life. If one wants to be successful in the real world, they need to know how to tackle problems with grace and efficiency. Even though most teachers are unable or unwilling to make changes in their approach, it is still the responsibility of the student to take an active role in their own learning. Everyone has significant opportunities to learn new skills, even if their teachers are not always willing or able. It is advisable for people who want to excel at something to find a mentor or someone whom they can look up as a positive example for how they should approach things like completing school projects and learning new skills . It's also important to note that a student's success is more the result of hard work and determination, rather than a factor of luck or which teacher they received for a particular subject. This is especially true in the area of education. Due to the fact that learning new things can be frustrating and difficult, many students give up hope when they encounter obstacles during their educational pursuits. Teachers are not always on the top of their games, but if a student is persistent enough to learn from their mistakes, they will be able to keep going even if things get rough . In every school there are students who perform better than others in class. It's not fair to judge a person based on just one criterion or skill set. It's important to understand that there is no formula for being successful. Some people are naturally talented, but hard work is also required if one wants to excel in most things. It may take years of training before they reach the level of expertise that they desire. That being said, anyone can make improvements over time, as long as they do not give up on their dreams or passions . If you are a teacher who wants to teach with passion and enthusiasm, make sure you are willing to change your classroom management techniques. If you want your students to be engaged with lessons then you will need to find ways to make them more interesting. One way for this is by creating interactive activities that will keep them interested in terms of the course content . Students will learn best when they are motivated to learn new skills, so you will need to find ways for them to have fun while learning . Teachers are very important in our lives, but they are not perfect. Though most teachers work at their profession with passion and enthusiasm, there is still the occasional teacher who does not always provide great learning opportunities for students. A recent study conducted by University of California at Los Angeles found that less than 10% of the surveyed teachers had plans for how they would improve their teaching techniques in the upcoming school year. This is symptomatic of a larger problem in education, which is that many educators do not take ownership over how they teach. cfa1e77820